1) Here’s something you might not have known: Which one is the correct option? Ukraine is…
- The largest European country
- Only regained its independence in the late 90s
- Host to the biggest music festival in Europe
- Home to the largest wolf population in Europe
Answer: 1 At 603,628 sq. km Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe
2) How many bordering countries does Ukraine have?

- 2
- 7
- 4
- 5
Answer: 2 Seven countries (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Russia, and Belarus)
3) Where do the colours yellow and blue of the Ukraine flag originate from?
- Sun and sky
- Army uniforms
- Symbol for brotherhood and equality
- Former kingdom coat of arms
Answer: 4 Kingdom of Ruthenia
4) Up to how many strings can the traditional Ukrainian Bandura instrument have?

- 5
- 12
- 24
- 68
Answer: 3 the academic bandura can have 61-68 strings
6) Fill in the blank: Arsenalna in Kyiv is…
- The world’s deepest metro station
- The oldest church of Ukraine
- A famous modern art museum
- A national park located in the southern part of the city
Answer: 1 with 105,5 metres below the city it’s this planet’s deepest metro station
7) What is the word we’re looking for?
A person leading a country; a straight wooden or plastic object used for measuring
Answer: ruler
8) Can you recognise the professional male dancer in this video clip?

- Maksim Chmerkovskiy
- Valentin Chmerkovskiy
- Volodymyr Zelenskyy
- Vladimir Malakhov
Answer: Yes! Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the current president of Ukraine, won the Ukrainian version of Dancing with the Stars in 2006 and the tape.
9) What do you think Ukrainians mean if they are “talking about the wolf” (Про вовка промовка)?
Answer: The saying applies to a person who unexpectedly turns up when being spoken about; as the expression: “Speak of the devil!” Answer: Yes! Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the current president of Ukraine, won the Ukrainian version of Dancing with the Stars in 2006 and the tape.
10) A closer look: What is this picture showing?

- A Soviet Mi-26 Halo helicopter spraying poison during WWII
- A Soviet Mi-26 Halo helicopter trying extinguish fire
- A Soviet Mi-26 Halo helicopter participating in a radioactive clean-up
Answer 3 A Soviet Mi-26 Halo helicopter participating in the Chernobyl nuclear reactor clean-up operation