Most frequent questions and answers

Isn’t UN-aligned too idealistic for the real world?

UN-aligned is idealistic in the sense that it focusses on ideals that are far-reaching and not yet realised. This does not, however, mean that they never will be. Simple growth does not require vision. It unfolds spontaneously one step at a time. Most people feel comfortable with this slow pace, even though their dreams may already be ahead of them. Creation, on the other hand, is a divine quality, so to speak, that is born of vision and a certain faith in what could be. It is this quality that gave us the great leaps in technology and civilisation, including milestones in social progress and innovation in arts. We would still be living in caves, if people didn’t dare to dream…

UN-aligned is not idealistic in the sense that it is aiming at the impossible. None of its objectives are beyond the reach of humanity. Our mission, therefore is to inspire and enthuse people to believe and strive for a better future.

What does un-aligned hope achieve that is not already the focus of other NGOs?

Most NGOs and political parties focus on specific issues. The former, on social or environmental issues, for instance; the latter on national ones. They seek change within the current global framework. Often, they do target the global framework when this is a contributing factor to the concerns they are tackling. Climate change, for instance, cannot be confronted effectively from a purely national perspective.  UN-aligned, on the other hand, aims to change the global framework itself as its primary goal. The vision is not totally new. The League of Nations and the United Nations that superseded were founded on a similar a vision. That is, a vision of a world where universal principles of human rights and a shared planet outweigh narrow interests of individual states. But look at the United Nations today: a plaything of the superpowers, and its precepts ignored by so many of its members. Yes, UN-aligned will take up social and environmental challenges. And yes, it will seek political change. But its starting point is an ideal “United Nations” that will inform and inspire its activities.

Isn’t a super-state more dangerous than the divided world we live in today?

UN-aligned does not advocate a super-state, but a federal world order that promotes self-determination even more so than it is in most nations today. The power that it envisages is not that different to the one that the United Nations would weald if it were taken seriously by all of its members. The problem of the United Nations is that more or less all nations became members, irrespective of whether they believed in its principles or not. We only need to look at the human rights situation around the world to see that the UN is like a club of lapsed members. UN-aligned federated states will be joined by the same vision regarding principles that are not negotiable, namely that humanity comes before nationality and the health of the planet before corporate greed.

Would it not be more effective to focus on one or two important issues rather than trying to cover such a wide range of problems?

There are many organisations that do just that. UN-aligned supports any organisation that strives to promote rights and save the environment. Indeed, many UN-aligned members may be associated to such groups, while UN-aligned Parishes may also be engaged in a variety of worthy campaigns of their own. The premise of UN-aligned as a whole, however, is an international framework that that creates a milieu where resolving these issues is the norm, or where the problems will not arise in the first place. In other words, UN-aligned is about a united world order that operates around inviolable principles that are enshrined in international law. The United Nations was supposed to do just that, but has failed.  

What is wrong with the United Nations to warrant the founding of an organisation like UN-aligned?

How can UN-aligned improve on the United Nations?

The starting point of UN-aligned is very different to that of the UN. Whereas the UN began with member states, UN-aligned is starting off with members who are already committed to the principles it advocates. The UN prides itself with its 193 member states. Many governments of these states flout all norms of decency. For UN-aligned, however, the emphasis is on quality, not quantity; and on people, not nations. Its “United Nations” will therefore be virtual to start: a vision we can work towards, one person at a time. As our numbers increase, and we begin to set up political parties around the world, actual nations may join in. At that point, UN-aligned principles will start to acquire legal status. The final stage in this evolution will be an international law that respects all human rights and works for the health of the planet and its multiple lifeforms. Nevertheless, even before then, with enough members, UN-aligned can start influencing and changing the current international legal system to one that puts people and the planet first.

How does one join a Parish?

All UN-aligned members will join directly through the website, but some may also wish to join a particular Parish in order to take advantage of the benefits this offers. A list of registered Parishes will be available on the UN-aligned website with details of their particular focus and/or geographical location. Single members may then contact the particular Parish they wish to join and it will be up to the Parish to deal with the application. Members may join more than one Parish; this may be for networking purposes, for instance.

What are political the risks of joining UN-aligned?

Whilst being a member of UN-aligned should pose no threat to members of a free democracy, this may not apply to people living in countries where civil liberties are suppressed. Members form these countries should know what is, or what is not, likely to incur the wrath of the powers that be. They should therefore take the necessary steps to protect themselves from persecution. UN-aligned will work to issue nation-appropriate guidelines for people living in despotic regimes.

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