Many may not know, but the United Nations is the creator of some of the worst “reality TV” of all time. Whether they are shows about a climate convention where the organisers forget to invite representatives from countries that are literally drowning, as was the case with COP26, or an ongoing show about five thugs who think they have a monopoly on truth, sit at a horseshoe-shaped table and maintain international peace by telling everyone not to go to war without their permission, even though that’s exactly what every single of them has done.
Granted, a lot of reality TV has never really been known as excellent and high-brow entertainment, but if you thought the likes of Big Brother or The celebrity islands are scraping the barrel, trust me, things could be a lot worse.
Across the Atlantic, in New York at the United Nations headquarters, a string of reality shows unfold every week that leave viewers flabbergasted, whether it’s for their unavailing format or relaxed attitudes to concepts like human rights or, you know, war. Such shows often leave us pondering how exactly did diplomats think that creating this shitshow was a good idea. Well, they did and here we are. This is The Gordian Magazine’s review of United Nations events as if they were reality TV.
- Read the first review: UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine Review: Abstaining Romance and Plenty of Hot Air