Unravelling the United Nations, Argead style

Unravelling The United Nations
Unravelling The United Nations, Argead style. Photo by UN-aligned design team
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How exactly has the United Nations failed in its primary mission of securing world peace? What went wrong? Who or what is to blame? Can reform absolve the organisation of its monumental shortcomings and put it back on course with regards to meeting its obligations? These are just some questions this book aims to answer. And here is the spoiler: no, the United Nations cannot be salvaged. 

However, the book presents an alternative vision: an organisation that can achieve the sacred mission without the shackles of obsolete structures and bullying superpowers. The organisation, UN-aligned, has already been founded and it is introduced in this groundbreaking work.

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Unlike most organisations, UN-aligned is, primarily, its members. We are the New United Nations and though just a drop in the ocean, for now, we will carry on growing until we will become a force to be reckoned with!The more of us there are, the more chance we have of achieving our aims. Help us by promoting membership to you friends or to people you think have similar values. If every member added another, membership would snowball and we would be unstoppable!We also need active members: people who roll up their sleeves and contribute to the work of the organisation. Some already have, for instance, by writing articles for The Gordian, or offering to help with proofreading.

No matter what you can do, we want you. Write to us with your talents and we’ll make it work. 

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