The Gordian Magazine introduces new series about ‘Utopia’

Utopia Photo by the UN-aligned design team.

This month’s Gordian Magazine marks the end of volume 6 in which we covered various aspects of justice and its relationship to law enforcement. 

Meet The New Lady Justice

Meet The New Lady Justice
The Gordian Magazine, issue 1, volume 6

In issue one, we critised the traditional image of lady justice. Her blindfold is supposed to symbolise impartiality, however, one cannot help comparing the blindfold to that of “blind” Fortune, whose largess is purely random. How else can there be so much injustice in the world? We said no more and introduced our readers to a new Lady Justice.

Appeasement: Is history repeating itself so soon?

The Gordian Issue 2 vol6 cover
The Gordian Magazine, issue 2, volume 6

In keeping with our theme, issue two, focused on appeasement and how it is like forfeiting somebody else’s justice. 

EU’s Struggle with Justice: Is the Cart Before the Horse?

issue 3 vol6 copy
The Gordian Magazine, issue 3, volume 6

In Issue three, we talked about justice across the European block. Though the organisation is a remarkable institution, its callous exclusivity has risked making it a gentlemen’s club, whose head is very much up its own backside. 

Off with the head! Getting Rid of Phoney Justice

The Gordian Magazine, issue 4, volume 6
The Gordian Magazine, issue 4, volume 6

In issue four, we focused on justice and punishment, including those phoney ones imposed on the guilty with little or no respect for their welfare and human right.

Dismantling the war machine

issue 5 vol6
The Gordian Magazine, issue 5, volume 6

In the fifth issue, we wrote about the futility of war and how to make it redundant. People and nations may disagree, and they may commit crimes, but these antagonisms can be resolved in countless ways. War should never be an option. 

Enough is Enough: Time to Enforce Justice

The Gordian Magazine, issue 5, volume 6
The Gordian Magazine, issue 5, volume 6

The main theme of this volume is still justice, but we will also focus on a fight for justice that is unfolding in front of our eyes. Despite the brutality of the security forces in Iran, protests continue to thrive and grow. The courage and defiance of women is inspiring, and their determination to stand up for their rights is a testament to their strength and resilience.

New series on Utopia 

An ideal society is like a magnificent temple, but temples cannot be built without vision, without plans, without resolve. 

So what would your ideal world look like? UN-aligned would like to tweak its vision for the future with the support of its members and it will be launching a monthly series within The Gordian, which it hopes to publish as an individual work in the future. 

Your contribution can be a few paragraphs long or a few pages and you are welcome to discuss your ideas with one of our editors.

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The Gordian
Cover: Ariana Yekrangi

To be or not to be European alone — The Gordian Magazine

Welcome to the February issue of The Gordian Magazine. In this edition, we venture into the depths of a question that has, for centuries, puzzled and provoked: “To be or not to be European alone”. As we stand at the crossroads of history, the fabric of our collective identity is being stretched and tested by the forces of nationalism and globalisation, each tugging in its direction.

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