Launch a Parish

Promote UN-aligned’s values by opening a member hub…

Launching a Parish

A Parish is not merely a collection of names, though many members, for many different reasons, may chose to be just that: names that bolster the body of supporters. This is an important role and with time, opportunities may present themselves to these followers to pursue more active positions as well. The Parish leader, however, should be an active member who can inspire and engage others in promoting UN-aligned and its mission.

Every Parish will be different, according to the skills and resources of its members. Here are some suggestions of useful activities Parishes can be engaged in.

  1. Regular meetings to discuss such items as:
    1. ways of maximising the impact of the Parish
    2. specific skills and resources of members that can enhance UN-aligned operations
    3. action plans targeting particular UN-aligned missions
    4. the success and failure of activities undertaken and lessons that can be learned
    5. promotion events
    6. social activities for members
    7. in-house training, if there are members capable of offering this
  2. Canvassing for community awareness of UN-aligned principles and membership drives     
  3. Campaigning about specific topics, particularly ones that may be especially linked to the area of operation, if this is relevant. This can, for instance, take the form of letters, protests, events and awareness-raising action (such as clearing a beach of plastic litter or planting trees)
  4. Information sharing: books, films, articles, documents…
  5. Mutual support mechanisms, which can extend to non-members
  6. Liaison with the Central Office and other Parishes for the organising of joint activities
  7. Cultural and social events, such as film fora, poetry recitals, reading and discussion groups, guided tours and sports
  8. Networking with other organisations and individuals with similar objectives in order to facilitate the challenging of particular issues
  9. Contributing to the UN-aligned newsletter and other publications

At some point fundraising will become necessary for UN-aligned to carry out its activities more effectively. When this should be the case, strict guidelines will be issued on how this will be carried out. Transparency will be a priority at this stage of the development of UN-aligned.

All above activities will be carried out in accordance with due consideration to health and safety and child protection, as per the UN-aligned Health and Safety Policy.

A list of registered Parishes are available on the below page, with details of their particular focus and/or geographical location. Single members may contact the particular Parish they wish to join. It is up to the Parish to deal with the applicant’s application.

Members may join more than one Parish; this may be for networking purposes, for instance.

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